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Implementation of the cadastre module from the IGN's apicarto


                      type = "commune",
                      code_com = NULL,
                      section = NULL,
                      numero = NULL,
                      code_arr = NULL,
                      code_abs = NULL,
                      dTolerance = 0L,
                      source = "pci",
                      progress = TRUE)



It can be a shape, insee codes or departement codes :

  • Shape : must be an object of class sf or sfc.

  • Code insee : must be a character of length 5

  • Code departement : must be a character of length 2 or 3 (DOM-TOM)


A character from "parcelle", "commune", "feuille", "division", "localisant"


A character of length 5 corresponding to the commune code. Only use with type = "division" or type = "feuille"


A character of length 2


A character of length 4


A character corresponding to district code for Paris, Lyon, Marseille


A character corresponding to the code of absorbed commune. This prefix is useful to differentiate between communes that have merged


numeric; Complex shape cannot be handle by API; using dTolerance allow to simplify them. See ?sf::st_simplify


Can be "bdp" for BD Parcellaire or "pci" for Parcellaire express. See detail for more info.


Display a progress bar? Use TRUE to turn on a basic progress bar, use a string to give it a name. See httr2::req_perform_iterative().


Object of class sf


x, section, numero, code_arr, code_abs, code_com can take vector of character. In this case vector recycling is done. See the example section below.

source: BD Parcellaire is a discontinued product. Its use is no longer recommended because it is no longer updated. The use of PCI Express is strongly recommended and will become mandatory. More information on the comparison of this two products can be found here


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# shape from the town of penmarch
penmarch <- read_sf(system.file("extdata/penmarch.shp", package = "happign"))

# get commune borders
## from shape
penmarch_borders <- get_apicarto_cadastre(penmarch, type = "commune")
qtm(penmarch_borders)+qtm(penmarch, fill = "red")

## from insee_code
border <- get_apicarto_cadastre("29158", type = "commune")
borders <- get_apicarto_cadastre(c("29158", "29135"), type = "commune")
qtm(borders, fill="nom_com")

# get cadastral parcels
## from shape
parcels <- get_apicarto_cadastre(penmarch, type = "parcelle")

## from insee code
parcels <- get_apicarto_cadastre("29158", type = "parcelle")

# Use parameter recycling
## get sections "AW" parcels from multiple insee_code
parcels <- get_apicarto_cadastre(
   c("29158", "29135"),
   section = "AW",
   type = "parcelle"
qtm(borders, fill = NA)+qtm(parcels)

## get parcels numbered "0001", "0010" of section "AW" and "BR"
section <- c("AW", "BR")
numero <- rep(c("0001", "0010"), each = 2)
parcels <- get_apicarto_cadastre("29158", section = section, numero = numero, type = "parcelle")
qtm(penmarch_borders, fill = NA)+qtm(parcels)

## generalization with expand.grid
params <- expand.grid(code_insee = c("29158", "29135"),
                      section = c("AW", "BR"),
                      numero = c("0001", "0010"),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
parcels <- get_apicarto_cadastre(params$code_insee,
                                 section = params$section,
                                 numero = params$numero,
                                 type = "parcelle")
qtm(penmarch_borders, fill = NA)+qtm(parcels$geometry)

} # }